Prevention in Orthodontics

Società Italiana di Ortodonzia (S.I.D.O.) and American Association of Orthodontists (A.A.O.)

Recommendations for an early screening:

Both associations recommend that all children are receiving orthodontic control no later than age 7.

Why the control once children are seven years old?

The occlusal relationships usually are diagnosed definitively when the first permanent molars erupt.

At that time, you can evaluate the posterior and anterior transverse occlusal relationships, highlighting any functional changes.

With the exchange of the incisors, any crowded situations, habits, deep bites, bites reverse, open bites and facial asymmetries will be easily detectable.

In some cases, a visit at the right time will lead to significant benefits for any treatment.

In some cases, however, the biggest benefit is represented by a better peace of mind for parents.

What are the benefits of early treatment?

For these patients with clear indications for intervention, early treatment can:

– positively influence the growth of the mandible and maxilla

– harmonizing the diameter of the dental arches

– improve the eruption pattern

– correct asymmetries and mono or bilateral cross-bites

– reduce the risk of trauma for the upper proclined incisors

– correct bad habits occurring with anterior or lateral open bites

– improve aesthetics and self-esteem

– simplify and shorten the time of interceptive orthodontics

– reduce the possibility of permanent impacted teeth

– improve some problems of phonation

– maintain and make space for the eruption of permanent teeth